Welcome to St Padarn's
I have the privilege to lead this vibrant, growing, learning community.
We are an ‘integral part of the Church in Wales’. As one of those who was involved in creation of St Padarn’s once said, St Padarn’s is ‘the Church in Wales in theological-education mode’. Our growth in discipleship and service is lifelong, and integral to who we are. Thinking and living as a Christian is the life of the Church not something done for it, or to it, by separate institutions. We are pleased to work with people from across the UK and further afield, but our main focus is on the nation of Wales, Welsh- and English-speaking, across its diverse geography.
‘Outstanding’ is a daunting word. We use it not because we have arrived but to remind ourselves that the challenge faced by the Church in our generation is big, and the needs in our communities are great. God does not call us to be mediocre or ‘luke-warm’.
‘Mission-orientated’ is not some clever bit of theology-speak. The theologian Emil Brunner said ‘the Church exists by mission, just as a fire exists by burning’. We believe that when the church looks inwards, it gets caught up in controversies and arguments. We find the right perspective when we focus on God’s mission in his world.
St Padarn’s is about so much more than training new priests. Yes, that is an important part of its work, but our calling is to serve ‘the whole people of God’. This website should give you some sense of what St Padarn’s is, what matters to us and how you may be able to be part of its life. Perhaps you would also pray for us. Three quotes to finish – from the Welsh football team ‘together stronger!’, from the Church in Wales ‘the time is now!’ and from Jesus himself ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Revd Prof. Jeremy Duff, Principal

MA Chaplaincy Studies