At the Table- Lent

At the Table-Lent
At the start of the Pandemic Bangor Diocese has been producing outlines of simple worship for Young families to use around the table at home. The outlines ‘At The Table’ were produced weekly on the diocesan website.
But during Lent this worship was held live on Zoom. Bangor Dioscese has been using some of Jesus’ ‘I am’ sayings through Lent for reflection and the ‘At the Table’ sessions have followed the same pattern. The sessions are recorded and uploaded to the Diocese YouTube Page so that all can engage even if they were unable to attend the session live. It is only families with young children that can attend to protect the children. No children are visible on screen, only those of the person that is leading the session.
Many of the children that have attended have grown in confidence in answering questions over the weeks and it’s wonderful to hear from parents that conversations are taking place throughout the week following the discussion on Sundays.
These sessions will not continiue after Easter, but we are considering running them at specific times such as advent / summer holidays.
Whilst discussing with Ministry Area Leaders within the dioccese it became very clear that there is a need for a way to share resources, oultines of Services and ideas. We came accross Padlet a website that works similar to a pin board. It is possible to upload original work and to create links to webistes and resources online and anyone is able to do this.
The Diocese have created a number of different pages that concentrate on different seasons of the church year ( Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter) and on different areas of ministry (e.g Children and Youth Ministry)