A prayer to count down to Christmas

This very simple prayer idea uses aspects of the Christmas story to pray.
Invite everyone to hold out their whole hand, folding down fingers to count down.
Five: a whole complete hand representing the whole world. Give thanks for God’s love for the whole world; pray for any particular countries in the news; pray for the Good News of peace to be heard everywhere. Lord, in your mercy. All: Hear our prayer.
Four: represents the shepherds and all those who are working or living on the edge of society. Pray for those who work on Christmas Day, those who have nowhere to go, who are despised and looked down upon; pray that they may find God’s love to be real. Lord, in your mercy. All: Hear our prayer.
Three: represents the Wise men and all who hold power and influence. Pray for leaders in church and nation that they will continue to seek truth and justice for all. Lord, in your mercy. All: Hear our prayer.
Two: represents Mary and Joseph and parents and family. Give thanks for family and friends, near or far. Pray for particular needs locally, and especially for vulnerable families that they will find joy on this day. Lord, in your mercy. All: Hear our prayer.
One: represents Jesus, the one who came among us to bring hope and salvation. Pray for the church celebrating across the world this day, for our own church, and our own individual lives as we worship and serve him day by day. Amen